Payment and delivery
Orders are accepted with 100% prepayment or cash on delivery(only in Ukraine)
You can pay by bank card, Apple Pay, or Google pay using Fondy payment gateway.
Please check your mail or phone number when placing your order. If it is listed incorrectly, you will not receive the information you need.
Orders are usually processed within 1-2 business days after registration.
After shipping, you will receive an e-mail with a tracking number to track the parcel (this e-mail may end up in the "spam" section, carefully check all folders to avoid losing important messages)
Orders are shipped within 2-3 business days.
For Ukraine:

The cost of delivery is calculated depending on the amount of the order and the country of delivery.

Depending on the value of your order and your country of residence, you may be charged customs or import fees when your package arrives in your country. These fees are fully paid by the customer and are not covered by Hochusobitake.
Since these fees are set by your country and vary from order to order, we cannot predict what they may be. For more information, please contact your local customs office before placing your order. Also you can check this document (in Ukrainian) to get information about duty-free limits in different countries.
Nova Poshta
Delivery time in Ukraine from 1 to 5 days. The cost is calculated automatically at the stage of ordering, based on the tariff of the Nova Poshta for your region.
- The order is tracked with a track number on the website or in the application of NovaPoshta. We send you a tracking number for tracking after sending your order.
- The period of free storage of the shipment in the offices of Nova Post - 7 days
- If the parcel is not received, it is sent back. To resend your order you will need to pay the delivery fee again.
International shipments usually take 14-28 days, but now delays may occur due to the war.
The cost of delivery of an international parcel depends mainly on its weight and size.
Order is tracked by tracking number on the site, in the application or chat-bot UkrPoshta.
We send you a tracking number to track your order once it has shipped.